Arnaud Buchholz
Arnaud Buchholz is a development expert at SAP, with a focus on designing, developing, and enhancing SAPUI5 applications. He has more than 20 years of experience in software development.
Ian McCallum
Ian McCallum is an executive advisor for project success at SAP America. He has worked as a solution engineer and architect at SAP and led several SAP projects in participation with SAP partners. He is also the founder of a small start-up focused on SAP Cloud Platform and SAPUI5 application development. His varied experiences building business systems has reinforced the need to rapidly develop high-quality applications and extensions, leading to a long-time interest in automated testing.
Weitere Titel von Arnaud Buchholz und Ian McCallum
von Daniel Bertolozi, Arnaud Buchholz, Klaus Haeuptle, Rodrigo Jordão, Christian Lehmann, Narendran Natarajan Vaithianathan
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Learn to write readable and maintainable SAPUI5 code
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von Daniel Bertolozi, Arnaud Buchholz, Klaus Haeuptle, Rodrigo Jordão, Christian Lehmann, Narendran Natarajan Vaithianathan
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E-Book-Formate: PDF, EPUB, Online
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Clean Code für SAPUI5-Programme
JavaScript, Module, Funktionen, Variablen und mehr
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