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Use machine learning and ISLM to build intelligent SAP S/4HANA business processes!

Machine Learning with Intelligent Scenario Lifecycle Management (ISLM)

€ 34,90

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115 Seiten, 2023
E-Book-Formate: PDF, EPUB, Online
SAP PRESS, ISBN 978-1-4932-2395-4

Update your machine learning skills with Intelligent Scenario Lifecycle Management (ISLM)! In this E-Bite, you’ll develop a complete machine learning application for SAP S/4HANA using SAP HANA PAL, from data preparation and model building to training and prediction generation. You’ll learn to use the ISLM framework to simplify machine learning implementation with standard apps for managing intelligent scenarios. Learn the ins and outs of machine learning with ISLM in this how-to guide!

  • Learn to use the ISLM framework in SAP S/4HANA
  • Develop an end-to-end machine learning scenario with SAP HANA PAL
  • Prepare data, train models, and implement predictions with ISLM

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Marcin Dzierzgowski is a freelance SAP consultant with Int4. With more than ten years of experience, he has engaged in many international projects for various SAP modules and customers.
Kinga Tarczyńska is a freelance SAP integration consultant with Int4, specializing in SAP Integration Suite and ABAP development.
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