SAP IBP, SAP ERP, and DDMRP—together at last!

Introducing DDMRP with SAP IBP Demand-Driven Replenishment for SAP ERP

€ 29,90

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70 Seiten, 2020
E-Book-Formate: PDF, EPUB, Online
SAP PRESS, ISBN 978-1-4932-2053-3

Getting ready for DDMRP? Dive into SAP IBP for demand-driven replenishment, and incorporate its innovative practices into your SAP ERP setup. Learn how you can determine buffer size and locations, calculate net flow position to protect throughput, and plan and manage execution in SAP ERP. Preview your implementation project, and architect your demand-driven enterprise!

  • Discover how SAP IBP handles demand-driven replenishment
  • See how to position buffers, protect throughput, and pull materials in SAP ERP
  • Envision your demand-driven enterprise with SAP IBP

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