James Charlton
James Charlton has clocked up a quarter of a century in user assistance, and has spent a lot of that time with SAP in the data modeling, business intelligence, and predictive analytics fields. When he isn't writing technical content, you'll find him scribbling poetry, short stories, playing blues piano, or fixing up something.
Aktuelle Titel
von Erik Bertram, James Charlton, Nina Hollender, Melanie Holzapfel, Nico Licht, Carmen Paduraru
344 Seiten, gebunden
E-Book-Formate: PDF, EPUB, Online
€ 89,95
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Learn to design and develop interactive dashboards with SAP Analytics Cloud for consumption and integration
Build dashboards with acquired data, live SAP BW data, SAP S/4HANA Cloud data, and more
Use R scripts and the analytics designer to create complex dashboards