Kerem Koseoglu
Dr. Kerem Koseoglu is a freelance SAP software architect, working professionally since 2000. He specializes in the development of comprehensive applications using design patterns and also conducts technical training related to design patterns. He has participated in global software development projects, taking diverse roles including lead architect, team lead, developer, technical advisor, instructor, and project manager. His former publications include four books and countless articles for technical magazines in Turkey. He has a Ph.D. in organizational behavior.
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von Kerem Koseoglu
415 Seiten, broschiert
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ca. € 49,95
Lieferbar ab 05.07.2025
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Master SQL programming for database management and manipulation
Learn to use the five SQL sublanguages: DDL, DML, TCL, DQL, and DCL
Define schemas and tables; modify and query data; and configure database authorizations
von Kerem Koseoglu
387 Seiten, gebunden
E-Book-Formate: PDF, EPUB, Online
€ 79,95
Sofort lieferbar
Buch | E-Book
Use design patterns to write better code, faster
Implement common architectural, structural, and behavioral design patterns
See design patterns in action with real-world SAP applications