ABAP Development for Sales and Distribution in SAP Exits, BAdIs, and Enhancements
€ 69,95
€ 69,95
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SAP PRESS, ISBN 978-1-59229-420-6
E-Book-Formate: PDF, EPUB, Online
SAP PRESS, ISBN 978-1-59229-603-3
You know that one size doesn’t fit all. So as a developer or consultant who works with ABAP development in Sales and Distribution in SAP, you know that in a similar way, the SAP standard doesn’t always “fit” a business the way you need it to. In this book, you’ll follow along with a development team and learn how to fix this: understand when custom enhancements are needed, explore the most common and useful custom enhancements in SD, and get practical advice on how to implement them.
- Learn how to enhance and modify Sales and Distribution in SAP
- Benefit from real-life examples and detailed code listings
- Determine which enhancement technique is right for which situation
In this book, you'll learn about:
Understand when enhancements should be used, and what impacts they'll have on your SAP system in the short and long term.
Which Enhancements Will Work
There is no "best" enhancement. Learn how to compare the pros and cons of different enhancement methods and understand how they can tailor your standard SD functionality.
Detailed Scenarios
See specific examples that illustrate where enhancements are necessary, then how to find and implement custom enhancements to meet a company's specific SD needs.
Practical SD Topics
Sales order processing, delivery processing, and billing: find enhancement scenarios and solutions in the book by these common topics. Additionally, find detailed listings of BAdIs and exits in the appendices.
Highlights include:
- Explicit and implicit enhancements
- Persistent objects and classes
- Enhancement and Switch Framework
- Enterprise services
- VOFM routines
- Repository Infosystem
- Validations
- Remote function calls (RFC)
- Customer-defined routines
- KPI reporting
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